Wednesday, January 16, 2013


1 Head Napa Cabbage
1 Head Cabbage
1 container of mushrooms (about 10)
Same amount of Shiitake
2 bunches of green onions

Shred in a food processor.
Mix together in a bowl and heavily salt (1/4 Cup ish)
Squash the juice out of it with a 100% cotton cloth
There should be about a cup or more of juice that comes out.

Then add

Liberal dusting of garlic powder (about 2 TBS)
1/2 C + soy sauce
1/2 C sesame oil
1/4 C mirin (this is a yellowish clear liquid, should be in the asian isle)
1/2 C gingerroot (8inches/29cm long) (grated) or you could use the paste
1 lbs/500g ground pork
1 lbs/500g  ground beef (mince)

Mix ingredients together.

Get a packet of gyoza skins and put a little under 1TBS of mix in the middle of the skin and wet the outside edge with finger then proceed to fold together.

Then when you're ready to cook put the gyoza in a frying pan with a tiny bit of oil on med/high and cook till the bottom is brown, then throw in 1/8 to 1/4 cup of water and quickly chuck on the lid and let the gyoza steam for about a min. Then they're ready to eat with some rice. You'll need to get some gyoza sauce to dip the gyoza in. SO YUMMY.

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